

Peta sucks

Hi I thought I would share my Trollsen Twin, Hairy-Kate, with you all. I guess it's supposed to be shocking and offensive... but I still think she looks fabulous.

Boo Peta, they're giving me false hope that I'll be able to find Butchered Beaver Boots or Killed Coyote Capris... I mean honestly, who wouldn't wear fur capris?

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry. Tell me about how much you love fur in the comments. Please note her olive green eyes follow you around the page. ♥




I got my three finger ring! I had to give ID to show that I was 18 because apparently it can be a weapon. Bitches better watch it.


So this blog entry has a dedication

Okay so this is about three finger rings. A very cool guy introduced them to me in a very... venerable state. (see blog entry about drinking vodka on a public bus) Anyways, since that night I've been wanting one. I googled "three finger rings" and this was the 3rd pictures. I can dig it.
But what I really want is more along the lines of this Surface to Air ring which I would love to own but am probably too cheap to.
Embarrassingly enough I found one that wasn't bad at St. Vital mall at that kiosk that sells body jewelry... I regret not trying it on/getting it. 
Anyways. To the dedication. Go Read Zach's blog, Hyper Prosperous. It's cool and he's cool. I hope you don't mind that I'm completely stealing your thunder Zach, but your ring was too amazing to be ignored. 


this jpg made me lol for likea minute straight rofl


epic sale fail

I spy with my little eye:

An Andrew that looks grumpy as hell.
I unintentionally managed to look like I was having an AWFUL time (which is completely untrue) in every single photo I was in on the cobra snake last time he was here. Well, he's coming back, so I have a chance to redeem myself. Lets see how miserable I can look this time. 

ps: A post about Jeremy Scott and then one about The Cobra Snake? Oh god... what am I turning into


Just when most people were getting over Jeremy Scott, he throws this one at us. I've always held a spot in my heart for him, and this is no exception. I've found a pair of his pants online for $99 which I think I'm going to make an order on. It's also been brought to my attention that Jeremy Scott will be doing a collaboration with none other than Adidas. The collection is supposed to range from $45(?!?!) - $450. Hopefully this awesome jacket-hoodie is on the cheaper side of the scale.

Not only just a collection, but a shoe line too. $120-$250. I'm pretty over high tops but I can definitely appreciate them still. Sneaker heads, beware. These are some bad ass sneaks. 

You can check out more of the line here.
Alright so onward to the "I hate him" comments. F the haters, Jer Scott forever!!!!


I need these gems in my life!! I've been looking for clear framed glasses for months, who knew I'd find them at Urban Outfitters of all places. Oh well, I'm not complaining. Anyone from Winnipeg want to do combined shipping?



So, my aunt happened upon a package of SX-70 film from 1979. I've been dying to test out my SX-70 camera since the day I bought it, but obviously like a fool I decided to wait until the summer to get 600 film and use that. To my luck Polaroid decided to stop making all instant film which was a royal pain in the ass.  (especially since I was in denial at first so I didn't stock up)
Anywho, me and my lovely cousin put the film in my camera and nothing happened. The diagnosis was a dead battery. So, we sat in a dark room in my basement and transferred the film from the original package to an empty one. We were successful in that so we started taking photos around my room. Here is the outcome:

 Lesson of the day? Don't wait 29 years to use your Polaroid film.

welcome to the 90's

Props to:
Dick for the hair advice 
Stef for getting me to try on/buy the shirt



Hello so here is an open invite to my house

Here is what I have to offer:
  • TMNT, The Craft, and various other VHS hits
  • Super Nintendo
  • A map
  • 2 Chia pets
  • Many torrents
  • Daria season 1
  • Ranger Rick magazines 
  • idk other stuff
Okay so see you soon!

smile XXXXXD

Zac Efron wasting the last few polaroids left on earth rofl.



I got the new V with everyones least favorite model Laura Hollins. She will always have a spot in my heart, though. I can't help it, just imagining her collecting dust on the Chapters book shelf or being taken home with a 12 year old girl who thinks she is the most iconic model ever. She deserves a better fate. 
 Also in an article in the magazine they say "Agyness Deyn, born Laura Hillins" which I was a fan of. 


hi okay

I don't know much about this taggery, but all I know is I was tagged and it's now my responsibility to fulfill this tag by posting and then tagging other taggies. So here goes...

1. Clothes shop: Value Village, H&M, Goodwill
2. Furniture shop: The only thing I buy that is close to furniture is religious art at Value Village, so...Value Village.
4. City: Where's #3? W/e... 100% Winnipeg. I love it, fuck the haters.
5. Drink: Ice Tea, Coke.
6. Music: The Knife, Camp Rock Soundtrack, Suburban Kids with Biblical Names
7. TV Series: ANTM, Project Runway, Gossip Girl, The Hills, The Aftershow
8. Film: Mean Girls, forever and always.
9. Workout: That doesn't exist.
10. Pastries: I'm not a huge dessert fan
11. Coffee: I get Starbucks drinks a lot but never really drink coffee coffee...lol

Okay I'll tag Richard and Katina & Emma

no words needed



This is Megaelizabeth Diamond. Diamond is her real last name. How badass is that? Anyways, that's a grape condom from Trevor's car.
OMG GUESS WHAT. Surprise ambush from none other than Stefanie J J this weekend! She got in on Thursday and picked me up, I had no f'ing idea she was coming in...wtf. I got wild at Ready Mix... thanks for the shots everyone ahahah.
And yesterday (Saturday) was the Red Bull car rally. I got a solid 12 hour sleep the night before so I was ready for action. We came up with out ~60's~ theme the morning of and went to VV and got costumes (I had everything in my closet that I needed already ahah) I suggest if you have a Red Bull car rally in your city you go into it. It was so fun omg... I don't even know. And to top off an awesome day and make it even more awesome, I filled my Milk to Go bottle with watermelon vodka and very little juice and drank on the bus to MSTRKRFT. By the time I got there I was PRETTTTY drunk and so many awesome people were there AHH!!! Awesome day/night.

This post is dedicated to Jenny because she always bugs me to update...THERE YOU GO BITCH. This post is also dedicated to Julie P who is my newest friend from last night...I texted her name to what I assume was supposed to be MY number but turned out a few digits off... oops.