


My dream living space would include the following:
  • It would be a loft
  • Spiral staircase up to bedroom area
  • Unpainted brick wall
  • Old found letters like the ones above on said brick wall
  • Walk in closet
  • Nice big windows
  • Good lighting
  • Hard wood floors
  • Blank white wall to take photos of myself against
  • Prime location in the city (Exchange, Osborne, ect)
I've thought a lot about this....


Anonymous said...

the spiral staircase to the bedroom sounds beautiful.

seems everyone is thinking about their dream homes. i recently did a post about mine as well. your ideas have a bit of a more artsy feel though. it's more personal.

Emma said...

FYI, if you ever found this you have yourself a roommate.

Emma said...

you have no say in the matter

Anonymous said...

sounds real original

Andrew said...

thanks I know I am the first person ever to invent these things

copyright Pull Teeth

Nia said...

when you find it let me know.
i'll be moving in w/you

Stefanie said...

sounds real sexy


José Bolio said...

ok.. this was just random.. except for the "of myself against" part (in my case it would be of other people) you described exactly my dream house/loft/best thing ever/i-would-have-to-be-rich-to-pay-for-it thing

Aisha said...

Yeah. Ditto. I fucking DREAM of that exact living space! Not DREAM. Fucking DREAM! Yep that's right! ;)

(btw, i know this is an old post. but eh, im new to your teeth pulling)

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