

Coachella 2010

Festival Day One

Wearing Christopher Kane tank top, Urban Outfitters cut off shorts, vintage sunglasses, Dr Marten boots

Gumshoe! Watch out for this girl, she is going to be huuuuuge

Lindsay-fucking-Lohan is right behind me. My friend got kicked out of the party and nearly arrested for taking photos of her. Totally worth it.

sup Ali Lohan

Last Nights Party dude was kind of crazy but he featured me on his main page so that's cool I guess...

Festival Day Two

Wearing DIY studded vest, Brian Lichtenberg tank top, vintage floral shorts, Dr Marten boots

Recognize the sweater?

Festival Day Three

Rusko. I think I'm really into dub step. Is that bad?

Wearing Walmart triangle tank, Jeremy Scott x Ksubi jeans, Dr Marten boots

Here, have a video

I thought I would do a quick run through of some of the acts I saw during the festival. The downside of such an amazing festival is you miss some acts do catch others which is a shame but that's just how it works. I keep telling myself that that's more of a reason to go to Lollapalooza.

Rusko - Mr. Muscle
Wish the dubstep scene wasn't so terrible, I can get down to this shit

Die Antwoord - Wat Pomp
Only 3 song set but my far my favorite of the festival. I lost my mind!

Florence + the Machine - You've Got The Love
We were super far away for this show but her voice carries so far. So beautiful!

The Gossip - Heavy Cross
Caught this show from backstage. Beth Ditto is such an insanely cool girl. She was killing it in Jeremy Scott too.

Phoenix - Long Distance Call
There were about a million and one people at this show. Wouldn't mind seeing them in a closed venue but the french accent banter between songs was very endearing.

Hot Chip - I Feel Better
I've always wanted to see Hot Chip and it kind of pains me to say I don't remember a ton of their set. I do however remember sipping a delicious Heineken during their set. Whoops.

Vampire Weekend - Diplomat's Son
I could only barely see/hear Vampire Weekend's set from outside of the festival grounds while we were trying to meet our friend with our tickets. Disappointing but all the more reason to go to Lollapalooza to see them there!

Fever Ray - Triangle Walks
As expected, such an insane show. Her voice is incredible and it's the last set we caught on Friday night. Listening now kind of sends shivers down my spine. Missed Jay Z for her but would do it again in a heartbeat.

Miike Snow - Silvia
I wasn't a huge fan of this group before Coachella, but that's what music festivals are all about. Discovering new music. I'll figure get into them more now.

That's only the tip of the iceberg of who I saw but I thought I'd do a quick run through of my favorites. Die Antwoord totally made the festival for me!

Well, that's all for now. Thanks to my pal Chelsea Taz from Partie & Pachoulli who I stole all these photos from. Our personal photographer for the trip. I didn't end up taking one photo the entire time.
Can't wait for the next festival!!


Emma said...

"What are you doing?"

Taj said...

WOAH!!!looks like u had an awesome time!!megajealz of that Chris Kane tank!!!
maybe we'll see each other at Lollapalooza!!

Nia said...

amazingggg pics!
and LOVELOVELOOOOVE the kane tank
you look gOood

Raez said...

Sup homeboy. glad you had fun @coachella. take me when I'm legal?! haha...

+ I see you finally got a new camera. didja get the body or the kit? T1i or T2i?

Either way, us three have to get together soooooooon. Video--yes?

dear dukes said...

I think I am most jealous that you saw Fever Ray.

The rest I can get over.

In fact, I don't give a shit about the rest.

Isabel said...

Holy shit, I'm jealous. It looks like some sort of hipster mecca.

Kylie said...

What up with Facehunter only posting 2 pictures from Coachella??! I wanna see you on there! Those outfits are so great, but no pink boots? Mmmmk then.

So happy you had fun, can't wait to hear more about it


guildedsecret. said...

the "fan-girl" in me is freaking out... ali/lindz lohan? you look like a star... loving these photos :)


John Bernal said...

SO JEALOUS. For sure going next year haha.

Adele said...

Heineken is girls' beer where I come from! Shame!
Dude, so jealous you got to see Hot Chip, Fever Ray and Miike Snow. You are a lucky chap. You look super fresh in all your photos too, as do your friends.
And wow, you got yourself on mainpage of lastnightsparty? Nice one!

ELLE said...

I am beyond jealous. Would do anything to have flown over the atlantic to go to Coachella.. It looks amazing, is it worth the 9 hour flight? Want to know for next year! Also, that hot red head looks like she is in pain from your studded jacket!

Danny said...


beth ditto looks fkn hot

Festy said...

Cool pics! I love they.

Sleepingviolet said...

Haha love it. Looks like you had fun.

katy said...

Lolla has a great lineup, but Pitchfork is amazing. They do a really great job of having totally different bands play at the same time so you're usually not missing anything.

Adrienne said...

that looks like an amazing time!! great pictures!

My Pretty Disorder said...

Wow - I love all of those pictures! You're looking gooood ;)

R. Gratz said...

That studded jean vest-jacket is freaking glorious!!!! I need to borrow it soon! LOL. Actually, it's inspired me to actually maybe make one of my own! Gracias, mothalovah!


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