Shirt - Vintage / Shorts - American Apparel
Song: Baths - ♥
The festival itself was incredible. I'd really recommend it to anyone looking to travel for a festival next summer. It's large enough that they get really great artists, but still small enough that you get to actually see the artists. Some highlights for me were Baths, Crystal Castles, Braids, RATATAT, Suuns, The Flaming Lips and Jamie XX, among many others. I'm back home in Winnipeg now so I'm sure my posts will start to pop up more frequently! Enjoy the rest of your week everyone :)
Aw you guys are so cute :D You have some stylin friends. <- yeah okay i said 'stylin' gah.
Okay I've never heard Crystal Castles, Braids, Suuns, or Jamie XX.. shame on me? I will go search them up now.
Really cool, i will love anything flower themed! Gahhh, jealous you got to see Crystal Castles, that festival sounds amazing :D
woah those are manly guys
I think I fell in love with that song. Seems like you have great taste also in music! :D
some amazing shirts going on here, sounds like a wicked fest
hipster fag d bags
I hate u!!! Im obsessed with hawaiian shirts, Im so getting one, one of these days!!
flawless comment anon
Loving the new setup (nice icon). I don't fault any of you for matching. You all look great.
Your legs in the first picture! Still cute.
Oh lord you saw Baths? I am in LOVE with his music, saw him live once but I need more haha! Also I really love the floral shirts!
love the florals on everyone...yes.
strawberry freckleface
i'm so jello. oh so lovely floral.
obvs virgins
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