Hat - Urban Outfitters / T-shirt - Thrift / Collared Shirt - Thrift

Hat - Urban Outfitters / Sunglasses - Vintage / T-shirt - H&M / Silk Collared Shirt - Thrift

Collared shirt - Thrift / Necklace - Thrift
How good is this necklace? I found it at the Goodwill and I think it's the perfect length to wear with a collared shirt. One of those rare thrifting moments where you find exactly what you're looking for. Anyone who thrifts knows you can't take those for granted, that's for sure.
holy smokes that necklace.
so prada spring 2010
Love the pattern mixing and your necklace.
lovely necklace.
check my blog.
Love the looks!
Nicole http://www.vantagepointvintage.com/blog/
check + stripe = sick. Love. Love. Love!
2nd and third one are definitely WINNERS!!
congrats on the mtv thing!! :)
You're right, that necklace goes amazingly with all those collars! Looks like you'll get lots of use out of it, yeah? I wish I had your luck at Goodwill stores XD (Your glasses from the 2nd photo look gorgeous as well :D)
great looks! i loove your ozzy glasses. and that necklace!
ahh love your outfits!! Yes to the necklace with that collared shirt too!! Oh and your sunglasses are awesome too!!
Wow your style is really incredible! Love how you give everything you wear your own accent! The lenon shades are lovely! and oh I found the overcoat by accident in paris :D 5bucks only :)
this is a great display of wearing collared shirts three ways. So cool.
clothes are cute
Feelin' Hella Elegant
I'm not feeling the baseball cap, but I'm def feeling the necklace!!! I've been seaching for a statement necklace like that for ages now! Really nice!
wow brilliant outfits great job!! :)
(ps sorry i posted a silly link before accidentally :D heres the right one)
Love the baseball cap and the necklace! Saw a similar one with larger beads in Topman recently but it was $70. Seems way too much for an all-plastic necklace. Yours is a great find!
- Iris & Daniel
Love the stripe/check combination! Love your great sense of style!
Boy is handsome,Cap is beautiful,glasses are attractive,Shirt is beautiful and color combination are beautiful.I love all.
amazing! love the first one, effortless
love the necklace idea - i've seen prince pelayo style his in a similar way and have been meaning to werq it myself!
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