The people over at FHM were nice enough to do a little feature on me! (more on that later) If that wasn't enough they offered to send over a copy of their current issue, which happened to come with a bonus style supplement called FHM Collections. I'm not going to lie, FHM isn't normally a magazine I would associate with fashion but I figured I'd hold my judgments until I received the magazine.

I've got to tell you.. I was pleasantly surprised. This FHM Collections really holds its own. It's got a wide variety of styles for all different types of guys. It's really comparable some of the other competing menswear magazines out there. The articles are interesting but accessible and relatable. The editorials are the same; nothing too extreme but just.. guys wearing nice things. Things that I'd like to wear. I can appreciate that.

Arguably the coolest part about FHM Collections is that it claims to be the first completely interactive magazine. No, that doesn't mean there are QVC codes on every page. You simply download an app for your smart phone which recognizes the images in the magazine, opening up a web page with more information on the subject. Like the article about fix gear bikes? Scan the photo and go straight to their website with more info on fixies. See a contest you want to enter? Scan the image and it'll bring you straight to the entry page. It really is one of the smartest uses of technology I've seen in a magazine....ever.

Now for the feature! On FHM's website they did a roundup of their favorite menswear bloggers in what they called the FHM Ultimate Style Guide. I'm honored to be on the top of the list with some other really great names. I encourage you to check out the feature (by clicking the image above) and take a look at the other bloggers. It's an interesting group of some blogs I hadn't seen before but will definitely be checking out again in the future.
Thanks again to FHM for the great feature/magazine!
whoa that app looks crazy! Congrats again baybay
woah that app's awesome, the fhm features great too! deff. the best blog on the list tbqh...
wow, soo cool you got featured, congratulations!!
Congrats Andrew! You really deserve it, I know you are MY personal style guide ;)
well good feature, good stuff chappy. i agree, i used to buy fhm collections when i was quite a bit younger, i was just exploring the idea of personal style. everyone just thought it was the usual smut
Congrats on that feature! So cool. :D The magazine looks pretty good from the pictures you showed, need to go check it out.
Iris & Daniel
Looks good. Congrats on the feature!
Congrats on another feature... They should have made you front cover.
congrats :] i'm going to check out the rest right now.
congrats! That's awesome and well deserved. You're definitely my favorite.
clothes are cute
Feelin' Hella Elegant
uuuuu congrats!!!
seriously you´re the shit, but already know it!
you are my personal style guide
*fixed gear bikes. not fix.
fucking hipster poser shit.
Congrats on the feature! It's amazing!
lol john rambo...
obvs this guy is a fag. look at this dumb blog.
Congratulations! Your blog is AMAZING, you deserve it.
It is amazing you got featured, a big congrats <3
congrats dude :)
yessss ! i love guys in kilts.
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