Still going strong on Instagram! It's so much easier to do quick outfit posts on there, so if you want to see what I'm doing/what I'm buying/what I'm wearing you should prrrrobably follow me there.
on instagram

Secondly, I finally caved in and got myself a Tumblr. I used to hate the concept of Tumblr. I basically thought it was people stealing content from others and claiming it as their own. Once I decided to give it a chance I really realized the potential it held. It's perfect as an inspiration board, and it's pretty great to be constantly bombarded with beautiful photos. I've totally converted, I love it!
on tumblr
i luuuvv ju Andrew glad to see i can now follow you on le instagram
ohmigod those candles! where did you find them? did you make them yourself?
oh my god your tumblr is perfect. major re-blogging sesh about to happen. i don't have instagram! its tragic.
your instagram is at the highest of quality. A++++
i'm on it. ps tumblr still sucks
Tumblr sucks, Pinterest rules...
OMG please tell me where the floral outfit is from? It's amazing!!
now following you on insta! woooot! x
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