Hat - 40 OZ NYC
The last few weeks have been quite crazy for me. I moved out into my first apartment which is exciting, scary, incredible, time consuming, and thrilling, all at the same time. The internet wasn't installed for the first two weeks, so I basically didn't know what to do with myself. I kept having people ask "does it feel like home yet?" and it truly didn't until now, sitting in my bed (aka my home office) being able to blog at my own will. It may sound sad, but so much of what I do revolves around the internet.
At any rate... I am settling in, loving being on my own. It's interesting how your perspective changes. I barely even think about clothes anymore, let go alone shopping for them. I've made a complete shift into everything interior. The first section I check when I go thrifting is the housewares, which was a section I normally avoided at all costs. It's so much fun walking into a place with blank white walls and being able to create a space that truly feels your own. It's a slow process, but I'd rather wait to find the pieces that are truly special instead of just buying for the sake of buying.
It truly feels like a new beginning for me. I'm excited to share the process here on Pullteeth. Who knows? Maybe there will be some housewares or interior DIYs? If you have any suggestions for interior blogs, please share! Inspire me.
All this talk of interior, but I haven't completely forgot about clothes. I might scale back on my online shopping a bit, but when I saw this 40 OZ NYC hat I knew it needed to join my collection. I mean, I'm still an online shopping addict deep down inside. I don't think that'll ever change.
Vice magazine was right!
well good mate, well worth documenting your place and the on going process on your blog. well into that stuff myself as i know a lot of people are too. glad it's all going well. At work we recently moved office so i know how stressful that can be. it's never ending.
check out http://freundevonfreunden.com/interviews if you haven't already
Well do enjoy these special times, my friend. Life is chaotic, but that's half the fun. You will have your place done up faster than you know it, and you will be psyched to death about it, but then life picks up again and you'll forget about that for another six months before you notice how much you hate what you did the first time, and you think of all the things you want to change and do better this time around. . . it will just happen like this, over and over again, until the end of time. I hope you're ready . . . :-) I love your blog, by the way. Your store is nice, too - but I wish there was some more stuff (Although, I do have my eye on that Harley jacket).
Anyway, do check out my blog if you have the chance. You might enjoy the content.
All the best, and see you again!
Congraz for your first own place!! That’s in head of me too in the near future, very scary and exciting...
Can’t wait for your interior posts, Andrew!! :)
"I barely even think about clothes anymore, let go alone shopping for them. I've made a complete shift into everything interior." - AMEN
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